Burroughs Typewriters
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Burroughs Typewriters Universal Adders Pike Adders Electronic Calculators Ten Key Adders Cash Machines Portable Adders Billing Machines Manual Calculators Bookkeeping Machines Low Keyboard Adders High Keyboard Adders


In 1931 Burroughs entered into the typewriter market. A handsome manual machine was followed the following year with a version with a motorized carriage return. In the later years the machines were sold with special paper handling features and sold as billing machines. Burroughs created the "Typewriter Division" within the company to build and market typewriters, an indication of the potential business they were hoping for that really never developed. 

Class 50/60 – Some with motorized carriage return and electric shift key operation. Some machines had very wide carriages.

Date range 1931–1946(approx)

Original Price $100 -300 depending on model and options

Today’s Value  $50–$200